Thursday, March 28, 2013

True Form of Fame

Why try so hard to reach towards the stars?
Why do we humans try to reach so high into the sky while we live?
Is it because we truly are empty inside and want to fill our hearts with the stars above?
Are we not foolish for following such a dream? Or are we not lucky enough to catch a falling star?
Why delude ourselves with illusions of things that will never be in our hands without God's help?

How empty are we humans?
Clawing our way to the top, we only realize how much farther those miraculous dreams are.
Is it because we wish not to live for anything else?
Have we not found another reason to live?
Is our desire for perfection and pleasure a dream the shines brightly or a plague that consumes us?

Never forget that life still goes on wherever you are.
You will always be moving forward.
Beware for the steps to fame are treacherous.
They will take you away from everyone else who are unable to reach the stars.
Shall you live as a god among others or live as an individual within this world?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Red Moon's Melody

Rising from the distance, the red moon overlooks the field of white lilies. Its presence turns the pure white light into red. There she stands, basking in the blood-stained moonlight. Her face was facing towards the rising moon. And when the red moon reached the highest point, she turns to face me. Her eyes that were once pale jade green has turned golden yellow. Her expression and movement was as if she was controlled by strings, smooth yet unnatural. As I walked towards her, I feel pulled in by her beauty, but I was shivering fearfully with each step. And the closer I came to her, a song becomes more audible in my ears, a praise to the red moon, the forgotten guardian.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Porcelain Princess

The girl sat upon her throne high above my head. She was trapped in that glass prison. Again and again, I would save her from that place and carry her in my arms. I remembered how pale her face was, an ill shade of white mixed with a little color of life. Her eyes were deep blue, as if they were sapphires. Her cheeks had small patches of rosy red. Her lips were painted a faint pink that reflected in the light. And her chestnut brown dress was of the best silk in town and had a long skirt that barely reached above her feet. Her most beautiful feature was how her hair was like that of my mother's, golden thread.

This enchanting girl was entrusted to me when my parents had died. My mother told me to protect her as if it was her. And for many years, I had devoted myself to that duty, guarding her fragile body and donning her with fine clothes. She would often watch me from the throne in her glass room, always watching without blinking. Now, I lied in my bed unable to move anymore. All I could do was look upon her face from a distance. I remembered how often she would call me to save her from her glass prison. Unfortunately now, I could only watch her from a distance, looking upon her ageless face staring back at me until my eyes could look no more.